Causal inference series
For a covariate \(x\), the basic Cox model assumes
\[h(t | x) = h_0(t) \exp(\beta_1 \cdot x)\]
where \(h_0(t)\) is the baseline hazard function.
Assumption: Proportional hazards (PH).
\[ \frac{h(t | x = 1)}{h(t | x = 0)} = \frac{h_0(t) \exp(\beta_1 \cdot 1)}{h_0(t) \exp(\beta_1 \cdot 0)} = \exp(\beta_1) \]
\[h(t | x = 0) = h_0(t) \exp(\beta_1 \cdot 0) = h_0(t).\]
“The present paper is largely concerned with the extension of the results of Kaplan and Meier to the … incorporation of regression-like arguments into life-table analysis.”
“A simple form for the hazard is not by itself particularly advantageous, and models other than [Cox’s] may be more natural.”
“In the present paper we shall, however, concentrate on exploring the consequence of allowing \(h_0(t)\) to be arbitrary, main interest being in the regression parameters”
Cox, D. R. Regression models and life tables, J. R. Stat. Soc. B 34, 187–220 (1972).
About 50,000 citations.
A directed acyclic graph (or DAG or just graph) conveys our assumptions about the mechanisms that gave rise to the observations, e.g.,
This is a functional causal model \(\{F_V:pa(V)\times U_V\to V\mid V\in\mathcal{V}\}\), e.g., \(y = F_Y(x, u, \varepsilon_Y)\).
A causal effects will be written as e.g., \(p\{Y(X = 1) = 1\} - p\{Y(X = 0) = 1\}\), where \(Y(X = 1)\) is the potential outcome which means
“the variable \(Y\) if \(X\) were intervened upon to have value 1”.
What are the two problems that Hernán points out in this situation?
Both problems lead to difficulties in interpreting the HR as a causal effect (unless it equals 1)
Suppose \[ \lambda(t;X)=\{e^{\beta_1X}I(t\leq 4)+ e^{\beta_2X}I(t>4)\} \lambda_0(t) \] is the true hazard. One HR on \([0,4]\) (beneficial on this range) and another one on \((4,\tau [\) (no effect on this range).
Let’s also assume that we are in a randomized trial, so no variables impact the treatment assignment.
Is it possible that other variables may impact survival time? Yes!
Frailty is the term for a random effect that affects survival, in our model we may have
\[ \lambda(t;X,Z)=Z\lambda^*(t;X) \]
where \(Z\) is a random variable with mean and variance 1. In this case we can derive the HR as a function of \(Z\), which is closer to a causal effect (see DAG in next slide)
Keep in mind that we do not obtain biased estimates, but arguing about the treatment effect using the hazard ratio simply leads to a wrong conclusion
What do? What does Hernán suggest?
Use “cumulative” estimands, that have nice causal interpretations, e.g.,
Differences or ratios in survival probabilities at fixed times: \(P(T > t | X = 1) - P(T > t | X = 0)\)
Differences or ratios in restricted mean survival.
IPTW survival curves to adjust for confounding (how to do inference?)
More options:
R package, to do standardization to adjust for covariate while estimating survival probabilitieseventglm
R package, regression modeling of survival probabilities and restricted mean survivaltimereg
R package, direct modeling of the same