
Getting Academic Credit for Your Work

Unfortunately you need to publish a paper not just a package to get credit, although times are changing!

One option is software journals: - The R Journal - Journal of Statistical Software - Journal of Computational and Graphical Statitics - Journal of Open Source Software

These are all options, and they have different formats and requirements.

The R Journal

The papers are basically a well-polished, extended vingette

  • worked through examples, data should be be included in the package
  • give examples of all functions in the package and discuss options
  • discuss details of implementation

pseval paper

Journal of Statistical Software

Actually has a pretty high impact factor!

  • More academic than The R J
  • Interesting or well-written vignettes are perfect
  • More focus on the methodology

plotROC paper

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics

Old school stats journal

  • Part of the AMSTAT family
  • Focus is on the statistical/computational method
  • Having a R package is just a bonus

Journal of open source software

New kid on the block

  • Focus is on the software, not the paper
  • Short vignettes, extended descriptions
  • Peer-review main focus is on the package itself, quality of documentation and code structure

The other option is a case study

  • Write an application, practice or case study paper
  • Using your package for a interesting dataset or scientific problem
  • Submit to a regular journal in your field

Many of the epidemiology journals will gladly accept descriptions of statistical software

If all else fails



If you have a nice README.md, and vignettes as html files, it is trivial to turn it into a nice-looking webpage.


If you do publish, make sure users know how to cite you:


Then people can find the citation using


Thank you!