Survival Theory Course

Asymptotic analysis not using counting processes

Michael Sachs

The process point of view revisited

What is a process?

A stochastic process is a collection of random variables with an index.

An empirical process is a process computed from data.

Example, consider our random sample \(X_1, \ldots, X_n\) from distribution \(F\). The empirical cdf is \[ \mathbb{F}_n(t) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n I\{X_i \leq t\}. \] This is a random function or sample path. We can view it as the collection of random variables \(\{\mathbb{F}_n(t): t \in \mathbb{R}\}\).

Our statistic \(T(X_1, \ldots, X_n)\) is now is a mapping from \(\mathbb{R}^n\) to the space of bounded increasing functions.


How can we analyze the behavior of \(\mathbb{F}_n(t)\)?

For each fixed \(t \in \mathbb{R}\) the laws of large numbers tells us that

\(\mathbb{F}_n(t) \rightarrow_p F(t)\),

and the central limit theorem tells us that

\(\sqrt{n}(\mathbb{F}_n(t) - F(t)) \rightarrow_d N(0, F(t)(1 - F(t)))\).

For \(T_k = \{t_1, \ldots t_k\}\) a finite collection of \(t\)s the random vector of ecdfs evaluated at \(T_k\) converges in distribution to a mean zero Gaussian vector with covariance \(F(s \wedge t) - F(s) F(t)\) for \(s, t \in T_k\), where \(s \wedge t = \min\{s, t\}\).

Thinking about the random function, what other modes of convergence can we consider?

Uniform convergence

Glivenko-Cantelli in 1933, proved something like

\[ \sup_t|\mathbb{F}_n(t) - F(t)| \rightarrow_{as} 0, \] as \(n \rightarrow \infty\). This is called uniform convergence of the sample paths.

This is also written as

\[ \| \mathbb{F}_n - F \|_\infty \rightarrow_{as} 0, \] and this highlights the fact that the process point of view uses different notions of distance, since we are now in a functional space rather than Euclidean space. We will see later that this requires different notions of differentiability.

Proof sketch

For any \(\varepsilon > 0\), there exists a partition \(-\infty = t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_m = \infty\) such that \(F(t_j) - F(t_{j-1}) < \varepsilon\) for all \(j\). Then noting that

\(\mathbb{F}_n(t) - F(t) \leq \mathbb{F}_n(t_j) - F(t_{j-1})\) \(= \mathbb{F}_n(t_j) - F(t_{j-1}) + F(t_j) - F(t_j) = \mathbb{F}_n(t_j) - F(t_{j}) + \varepsilon\).


\(\mathbb{F}_n(t) - F(t) \geq \mathbb{F}_n(t_j) - F(t_{j}) - \varepsilon\), we have \[ \|\mathbb{F}_n - F \|_\infty \leq \max_{j}|\mathbb{F}_n(t_j) - F(t_j)| + \varepsilon. \] The first term converges to 0 almost surely by the strong law of large numbers, and thus for any \(m\), we can find an \(N\) such that for all \(n \geq N\),

\[ \sup_{m\geq n}\| \mathbb{F}_m - F \|_\infty \leq \varepsilon. \] Since \(\varepsilon\) was arbitrary, the result follows.

Some details

Convergence in distribution

Given the classical finite dimensional result, we might surmise that \(\sqrt{n}(\mathbb{F}_n - F)\) converges to some sort of Gaussian process with mean 0 and covariance \(F(s \wedge t) - F(t)F(s)\).

Donsker proved just that in 1952, and made more general/rigorous by Skorokod and Kolmogorov in 1956.

Specifically, \(\sqrt{n}(\mathbb{F}_n - F) \Rightarrow G\) in the space of upper semi-continuous functions \(D[-\infty, \infty]\) on \(\mathbb{R}\) equipped with the uniform norm \(\|_\infty\), where \(G\) is an element of that space that satisfies \(E(G(t)) = 0\) and \(Cov(G(t)G(s))\) as above, for every \(t, s \in \mathbb{R}\).

To be complete, we would also specify that \(G\) is tight, meaning that for every \(\varepsilon > 0\), there exists a closed and bounded set \(K \subset D[-\infty, \infty]\) such that \(P(G \notin K) < \varepsilon\). This is a fancy way of saying that the sample paths of \(G\) do not explode to infinity, and it holds because the mean and variance functions are bounded.

The Portmanteau lemma

This theorem establishes some intuition about convergence in distribution of random functions.

The following are equivalent:

  1. \(X_n \Rightarrow X\).
  2. \(P(X_n < x) \rightarrow P(X < x)\) for all continuity points of \(x \mapsto P(X < x)\)
  3. \(E(f(X_n)) \rightarrow E(f(X))\) for all bounded continuous functions \(f\)

This automatically establishes a sort of continuous mapping theorem. The key difference here is that the functions \(f\) map from the space of functions equipped with \(\|_\infty\) to some other space (usually \(\mathbb{R}\)), this opens up a lot of possibilities!

Exercise: consider the function \(g(F) = \sup_{t \in \mathbb{R}} |F(t)|\). Is it continuous? How would you use this plus the continuous mapping theorem to construct confidence bands for the empirical CDF?

General empirical measures

Donsker actually proved these things in much more generality. Consider the empirical distribution function: \[ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n I\{X_i \leq t\}, \] which we viewed as a process with index defined by \(t\). Instead, view the indicator function itself as an instance of the index, i.e., the general empirical process is \[ \mathbb{P}_n f = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n f(X_i), \] for an arbitrary function \(f\) from the sample space to \(\mathbb{R}\). Then \[ \{\mathbb{P}_n f, f \in \mathcal{F} \} \] is a process indexed by \(f\) for some class of functions \(\mathcal{F}\). Studying the behavior of classes of functions leads to results about the asymptotic behavior of the processes. For example \(\mathcal{F} = \{f(x) = I(x \leq t), t \in \mathbb{R}\}\).

The functional delta method

We have now established \(\sqrt{n}(\mathbb{F}_n - F) \Rightarrow G\) in the space \(D[-\infty, \infty]\). There are many statistics that can be written in terms of “functionals” \(\phi: D[-\infty, \infty] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\). For example,

To analyze the asymptotic behavior of such statistics, we might think that there is some version of the delta method that tells us \[ \sqrt{n}(\phi(\mathbb{F}_n) - \phi(F)) \Rightarrow \phi'(G), \] where \(\phi'\) is a derivative, in some sense.

Notions of differentiability

We are not going to cover the technical details, but remember that we are operating in the space \(D[-\infty, \infty]\) equipped with the supremum norm. Compared to standard Euclidean space, where derivatives are in terms of \[ \frac{f(x + dx) - f(x)}{dx}, \] this opens up a lot of possibilities regarding the direction of approaching the function. \(dx\) in the above now needs to be a small change in a function.

  1. Gateaux – Look at all fixed functions \(h\): \(lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \phi(F + t h) - \phi(F)\)
  2. Hadamard – Look at sequences of functions \(h_t\) as \(h_t \rightarrow h\)
  3. Fréchet – Look at \(\phi(F + h)\) as \(\|h\| \rightarrow 0\).

Hadamard is the sweet spot, and we have the functional delta method: \[ \sqrt{n}(\phi(\mathbb{F}_n) - \phi(F)) \Rightarrow \phi'(G), \] where \(\phi'\) is the Hadamard derivative of \(\phi\).

Taylor expansion


\[ \phi(\mathbb{F}_n) - \phi(F) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\phi'(\mathbb{F}_n - F) + o(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}) = \] \[ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i= 1}^n\phi'(\delta_{X_i} - F) + o(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}), \] where \(\delta_i\) is the discrete distribution with point mass at \(X_i\). \(x \mapsto \phi'(\delta_x - F)\) is the influence function of \(\phi\). This is the thing you want to calculate to derive asymptotic distributions:

\[ \phi'(\delta_x - F) = \left. \frac{d}{dt} \phi((1 - t) F + t \delta_x) \right|_{t=0}. \]

Some basic derivatives


The previous results can be used to derive the asymptotic distributions of these statistics.

Nelson-Aalen estimator

From Van der Vaart (1998), Example 20.15:

We wish to estimate the cumulative hazard function \(A\) of a random sample of failure times \(T_1, \ldots, T_n\) from distribution \(F\). But, we only observe \((X_i, \Delta_i)\) where \(X_i = T_i \wedge C_i\), and \(\Delta_i = I(T_i \leq C_i)\). Assume that \(C_1, \ldots, C_n\) are a random sample from distribution \(G\).

Note that \(P(X_i > x) = (1 - F(x))(1 - G(x)) = 1 - H(x)\) and \(P(X_i \leq x, \Delta_i = 1) = (1 - G(x-))\,dF(x) = H_1(x)\). We can write

\[ A(t) = \int_0^t \frac{1}{1 - F(s-)}\, dF(s) = \int_0^t \frac{1}{1 - H(s-)}\, dH_1(s). \] Further, we can estimate \(H\) and \(H_1\) by their empirical counterparts: \(\hat{H}(x) = n^{-1}\sum_{i = 1}^nI(X_i \leq x)\) and \(\hat{H}_{1}(x) = n^{-1}\sum_{i = 1}^n I(X_i \leq x, \Delta_i = 1)\). Plugging these into the above yields the Nelson-Aalen estimator \[ \hat{A}(t) = \int_0^t \frac{1}{1 - \hat{H}(s-)}\, d\hat{H}_1(s). \]

Asymptotic properties

Because they are empirical cdfs, the pair \((\hat{H}, \hat{H}_1)\) converges to a bivariate Gaussian process in the space \(D\times D\).

The Nelson-Aalen estimator can be viewed as a series of maps: \[ (A, B) \mapsto (1 - A, B) \mapsto (\frac{1}{1 - A}, B) \mapsto \int_0^t\frac{1}{1 - A_-}\, dB. \]

Each of these are Hadamard differentiable and hence so is their composition, as long as \(H(t) < 1\).

It follows that the Nelson-Aalen estimator converges to a Gaussian process in \(D[0, \tau]\) for every \(\tau\) such that \(H(\tau) < 1\).


In ABGK, they note that the product integral is Hadamard differentiable (as a mapping from \(D[0,t]\) to itself, i.e., a function of \(A\)) and with \[ S(t) = \prod_u^t\{1 - dA(u)\} \] the derivative is (for \(h \in D[0, t]\)) \[ (dS(A)\cdot h)(s) = -\int_0^sS(u-)\frac{S(s)}{S(u)}\, dh(u) = -S(s)h(s). \] Hence plugging in \(\hat{A}\) for \(h\) in the above, we have another proof that \[ \sqrt{n}(\hat{S}(\cdot) - S(\cdot)) \Rightarrow -S(\cdot) W(\sigma(\cdot)), \] this time using the functional delta method.

The Breslow and Crowley approach

From the life-table approach, we partition the range \([0, t]\) into a series of \(K\) intervals with \(\xi_0 < \xi_1 < \cdots < \xi_K < t\). For each interval, we can compute the conditional probability of death within that interval given survival up to the start of the interval as \[ q_k = (F(\xi_k) - F(\xi_{k - 1})) / (1 - F(\xi_{k - 1})). \] The unconditional survival beyond \(\xi_k\) is computed as \(P_k = (1 - q_1)\cdots(1 - q_k)\).

The vector \(\hat{q} = (\hat{q}_1, \ldots, \hat{q}_K)\), with the proportions estimated in the obvious way, is asymptotically multivariate normal.

The vector of survival probabilities \((P_1, \ldots, P_K)\) is a smooth mapping of the conditional probabilities hence we can apply the delta method.

Breslow and Crowley then take the limit as \(K \rightarrow \infty\) in order to derive the limiting process of the Kaplan-Meier estimator (similar to the proof of the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem).

Gill and others viewed this approach as overly technical and inelegant, so they went on to develop the approach using counting processes and martingales.
