These are data from one of the first successful trials of adjuvant chemotherapy for colon cancer. Levamisole is a low-toxicity compound previously used to treat worm infestations in animals; 5-FU is a moderately toxic (as these things go) chemotherapy agent. There are only one record per patient for the death outcome (or censoring). This is redistributed from the survival package, with a small modification to include only the death outcome.
A data frame with 929 rows and 17 variables:
1 for all patients
Treatment - Obs(ervation), Lev(amisole), Lev(amisole)+5-FU
in years
obstruction of colon by tumour
perforation of colon
adherence to nearby organs
number of lymph nodes with detectable cancer
days until death or censoring
censoring status
differentiation of tumour (1=well, 2=moderate, 3=poor)
Extent of local spread (1=submucosa, 2=muscle, 3=serosa, 4=contiguous structures)
time from surgery to registration (0=short, 1=long)
more than 4 positive lymph nodes
event type: 1=recurrence,2=death
event indicator: censored, death