Compute pseudo observations using stratified jackknife
Assuming that the censoring depends on covariates with a finite set of levels, the pseudo observations are calculated with the jackknife approach stratified on those covariates.
cause = 1,
type = c("cuminc", "survival", "rmean"),
formula.censoring = NULL,
ipcw.method = NULL
- formula
A formula specifying the model. The left hand side must be a Surv object specifying a right censored survival or competing risks outcome. The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead. Other choices are TRUE/FALSE (TRUE = death) or 1/2 (2=death). For competing risks, the event variable will be a factor, whose first level is treated as censoring. The right hand side is the usual linear combination of covariates.
- time
Numeric constant specifying the time at which the cumulative incidence or survival probability effect estimates are desired.
- cause
Numeric or character constant specifying the cause indicator of interest.
- data
Data frame in which all variables of formula can be interpreted.
- type
One of "survival", "cuminc", or "rmean"
- formula.censoring
A right-sided formula specifying which variables to stratify on. All variables in this formula must be categorical.
- ipcw.method
Not used with this method