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Get standardized estimates using the g-formula with a custom model


  B = NULL,
  ci_level = 0.95,
  contrasts = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  times = NULL,
  transforms = NULL,
  progressbar = TRUE



The function to call to fit the data.


The arguments to be used in the fitter function as a list.


The function used to predict the means/probabilities for a new data set on the response level. For survival data, this should be a matrix where each column is the time, and each row the data.


The data.


A named list or data.frame specifying the variables and values at which marginal means of the outcome will be estimated.


Number of nonparametric bootstrap resamples. Default is NULL (no bootstrap).


Coverage probability of confidence intervals.


A vector of contrasts in the following format: If set to "difference" or "ratio", then \(\psi(x)-\psi(x_0)\) or \(\psi(x) / \psi(x_0)\) are constructed, where \(x_0\) is a reference level specified by the reference argument. Has to be NULL if no references are specified.


A vector of reference levels in the following format: If contrasts is not NULL, the desired reference level(s). This must be a vector or list the same length as contrasts, and if not named, it is assumed that the order is as specified in contrasts.


The seed to use with the nonparametric bootstrap.


For use with survival data. Set to NULL otherwise.


A vector of transforms in the following format: If set to "log", "logit", or "odds", the standardized mean \(\theta(x)\) is transformed into \(\psi(x)=\log\{\theta(x)\}\), \(\psi(x)=\log[\theta(x)/\{1-\theta(x)\}]\), or \(\psi(x)=\theta(x)/\{1-\theta(x)\}\), respectively. If the vector is NULL, then \(\psi(x)=\theta(x)\).


Logical, if TRUE will print bootstrapping progress to the console


An object of class std_custom. This is a list with components estimates and fit for the outcome model.


Let \(Y\), \(X\), and \(Z\) be the outcome, the exposure, and a vector of covariates, respectively. standardize uses a model to estimate the standardized mean \(\theta(x)=E\{E(Y|X=x,Z)\}\), where \(x\) is a specific value of \(X\), and the outer expectation is over the marginal distribution of \(Z\). With survival data, \(Y=I(T > t)\), and a vector of different time points times (\(t\)) can be given, where \(T\) is the uncensored survival time.


Rothman K.J., Greenland S., Lash T.L. (2008). Modern Epidemiology, 3rd edition. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Sjölander A. (2016). Regression standardization with the R-package stdReg. European Journal of Epidemiology 31(6), 563-574.

Sjölander A. (2016). Estimation of causal effect measures with the R-package stdReg. European Journal of Epidemiology 33(9), 847-858.


n <- 100
Z <- rnorm(n)
X <- rnorm(n, mean = Z)
Y <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = (1 + exp(X + Z))^(-1))
dd <- data.frame(Z, X, Y)
prob_predict.glm <- function(...) predict.glm(..., type = "response")

x <- standardize(
  fitter = "glm",
  arguments = list(
    formula = Y ~ X * Z,
    family = "binomial"
  predict_fun = prob_predict.glm,
  data = dd,
  values = list(X = seq(-1, 1, 0.1)),
  B = 100,
  reference = 0,
  contrasts = "difference"
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#> Number of bootstraps:  100 
#> Confidence intervals are based on percentile bootstrap confidence intervals 
#> Exposure:  X 
#> Tables: 
#>       X Estimate lower.0.95 upper.0.95
#> 1  -1.0    0.689      0.537      0.882
#> 2  -0.9    0.671      0.526      0.865
#> 3  -0.8    0.653      0.521      0.845
#> 4  -0.7    0.635      0.515      0.822
#> 5  -0.6    0.617      0.508      0.797
#> 6  -0.5    0.600      0.493      0.770
#> 7  -0.4    0.583      0.476      0.745
#> 8  -0.3    0.566      0.466      0.720
#> 9  -0.2    0.550      0.450      0.699
#> 10 -0.1    0.534      0.429      0.679
#> 11  0.0    0.519      0.409      0.658
#> 12  0.1    0.504      0.389      0.638
#> 13  0.2    0.490      0.369      0.621
#> 14  0.3    0.476      0.348      0.608
#> 15  0.4    0.462      0.322      0.595
#> 16  0.5    0.449      0.298      0.587
#> 17  0.6    0.437      0.275      0.583
#> 18  0.7    0.425      0.254      0.577
#> 19  0.8    0.413      0.235      0.571
#> 20  0.9    0.401      0.222      0.561
#> 21  1.0    0.391      0.207      0.551
#> Reference level:  = 0 
#> Contrast:  difference 
#>    Exposure Estimate lower.0.95 upper.0.95
#> 1      -1.0   0.1697    0.04037    0.30879
#> 2      -0.9   0.1516    0.03562    0.28505
#> 3      -0.8   0.1335    0.03104    0.25348
#> 4      -0.7   0.1156    0.02663    0.22134
#> 5      -0.6   0.0980    0.02238    0.19201
#> 6      -0.5   0.0807    0.01829    0.16211
#> 7      -0.4   0.0637    0.01435    0.13054
#> 8      -0.3   0.0472    0.01056    0.09810
#> 9      -0.2   0.0310    0.00691    0.06525
#> 10     -0.1   0.0153    0.00339    0.03243
#> 11      0.0   0.0000    0.00000    0.00000
#> 12      0.1  -0.0148   -0.03177   -0.00326
#> 13      0.2  -0.0292   -0.06286   -0.00641
#> 14      0.3  -0.0432   -0.09365   -0.00944
#> 15      0.4  -0.0566   -0.12370   -0.01237
#> 16      0.5  -0.0697   -0.15192   -0.01519
#> 17      0.6  -0.0823   -0.17663   -0.01791
#> 18      0.7  -0.0945   -0.19954   -0.02054
#> 19      0.8  -0.1062   -0.22074   -0.02308
#> 20      0.9  -0.1176   -0.24033   -0.02553
#> 21      1.0  -0.1285   -0.25891   -0.02790

prob_predict.coxph <- function(object, newdata, times) {
  fit.detail <- suppressWarnings(basehaz(object))
  cum.haz <- fit.detail$hazard[sapply(times, function(x) max(which(fit.detail$time <= x)))]
  predX <- predict(object = object, newdata = newdata, type = "risk")
  res <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(times), nrow = length(predX))
  for (ti in seq_len(length(times))) {
    res[, ti] <- exp(-predX * cum.haz[ti])
n <- 500
Z <- rnorm(n)
X <- rnorm(n, mean = Z)
T <- rexp(n, rate = exp(X + Z + X * Z)) # survival time
C <- rexp(n, rate = exp(X + Z + X * Z)) # censoring time
U <- pmin(T, C) # time at risk
D <- as.numeric(T < C) # event indicator
dd <- data.frame(Z, X, U, D)
x <- standardize(
fitter = "coxph",
  arguments = list(
    formula = Surv(U, D) ~ X + Z + X * Z,
    method = "breslow",
    x = TRUE,
    y = TRUE
  predict_fun = prob_predict.coxph,
  data = dd,
  times = 1:5,
  values = list(X = c(-1, 0, 1)),
  B = 100,
  reference = 0,
  contrasts = "difference"
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#> Number of bootstraps:  100 
#> Confidence intervals are based on percentile bootstrap confidence intervals 
#> Exposure:  X 
#> Tables: 
#> Time:  1 
#>    X  estimate     lower     upper
#> 1 -1 0.6691328 0.6078557 0.7171407
#> 2  0 0.3632410 0.3011138 0.4060458
#> 3  1 0.2466151 0.1878811 0.2902875
#> Time:  2 
#>    X  estimate     lower     upper
#> 1 -1 0.4676722 0.3847559 0.5519054
#> 2  0 0.2135942 0.1659279 0.2611208
#> 3  1 0.1656470 0.1168408 0.2079257
#> Time:  3 
#>    X  estimate      lower     upper
#> 1 -1 0.3505275 0.26905828 0.4459009
#> 2  0 0.1520739 0.11902194 0.2044295
#> 3  1 0.1315275 0.09380255 0.1761028
#> Time:  4 
#>    X  estimate      lower     upper
#> 1 -1 0.2546911 0.12386946 0.3508293
#> 2  0 0.1101689 0.06701637 0.1505347
#> 3  1 0.1069771 0.06241746 0.1430167
#> Time:  5 
#>    X   estimate      lower     upper
#> 1 -1 0.16309819 0.07709911 0.2613375
#> 2  0 0.07480425 0.03816440 0.1127717
#> 3  1 0.08456621 0.04640860 0.1207358
#> Reference level:  = 0 
#> Contrast:  difference 
#> Time:  1 
#>   Exposure   estimate      lower       upper
#> 1       -1  0.3058918  0.2515877  0.35267464
#> 2        0  0.0000000  0.0000000  0.00000000
#> 3        1 -0.1166259 -0.1534746 -0.08540127
#> Time:  2 
#>   Exposure    estimate       lower       upper
#> 1       -1  0.25407801  0.18502799  0.33076959
#> 2        0  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
#> 3        1 -0.04794719 -0.07480939 -0.02350433
#> Time:  3 
#>   Exposure    estimate       lower       upper
#> 1       -1  0.19845364  0.12283854 0.284032243
#> 2        0  0.00000000  0.00000000 0.000000000
#> 3        1 -0.02054638 -0.04719901 0.001297897
#> Time:  4 
#>   Exposure     estimate       lower      upper
#> 1       -1  0.144522281  0.04976681 0.22983546
#> 2        0  0.000000000  0.00000000 0.00000000
#> 3        1 -0.003191768 -0.02345454 0.01911037
#> Time:  5 
#>   Exposure    estimate        lower      upper
#> 1       -1 0.088293936  0.018981386 0.17857030
#> 2        0 0.000000000  0.000000000 0.00000000
#> 3        1 0.009761965 -0.009490497 0.02585953