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standardize_gee performs regression standardization in linear and log-linear fixed effects models, at specified values of the exposure, over the sample covariate distribution. Let \(Y\), \(X\), and \(Z\) be the outcome, the exposure, and a vector of covariates, respectively. It is assumed that data are clustered with a cluster indicator \(i\). standardize_gee uses fitted fixed effects model, with cluster-specific intercept \(a_i\) (see details), to estimate the standardized mean \(\theta(x)=E\{E(Y|i,X=x,Z)\}\), where \(x\) is a specific value of \(X\), and the outer expectation is over the marginal distribution of \((a_i,Z)\).


  link = "identity",
  case_control = FALSE,
  ci_level = 0.95,
  ci_type = "plain",
  contrasts = NULL,
  family = "gaussian",
  reference = NULL,
  transforms = NULL



A formula to be used with "gee" in the drgee package.

The link function to be used with "gee".


The data.


A named list or data.frame specifying the variables and values at which marginal means of the outcome will be estimated.


An optional string containing the name of a cluster identification variable when data are clustered.


Whether the data comes from a case-control study.


Coverage probability of confidence intervals.


A string, indicating the type of confidence intervals. Either "plain", which gives untransformed intervals, or "log", which gives log-transformed intervals.


A vector of contrasts in the following format: If set to "difference" or "ratio", then \(\psi(x)-\psi(x_0)\) or \(\psi(x) / \psi(x_0)\) are constructed, where \(x_0\) is a reference level specified by the reference argument. Has to be NULL if no references are specified.


The family argument which is used to fit the glm model for the outcome.


A vector of reference levels in the following format: If contrasts is not NULL, the desired reference level(s). This must be a vector or list the same length as contrasts, and if not named, it is assumed that the order is as specified in contrasts.


A vector of transforms in the following format: If set to "log", "logit", or "odds", the standardized mean \(\theta(x)\) is transformed into \(\psi(x)=\log\{\theta(x)\}\), \(\psi(x)=\log[\theta(x)/\{1-\theta(x)\}]\), or \(\psi(x)=\theta(x)/\{1-\theta(x)\}\), respectively. If the vector is NULL, then \(\psi(x)=\theta(x)\).


An object of class std_glm. This is basically a list with components estimates and covariance estimates in res. Results for transformations, contrasts, references are stored in res_contrasts. Obtain numeric results in a data frame with the tidy function.


standardize_gee assumes that a fixed effects model $$\eta\{E(Y|i,X,Z)\}=a_i+h(X,Z;\beta)$$ has been fitted. The link function \(\eta\) is assumed to be the identity link or the log link. The conditional generalized estimating equation (CGEE) estimate of \(\beta\) is used to obtain estimates of the cluster-specific means: $$\hat{a}_i=\sum_{j=1}^{n_i}r_{ij}/n_i,$$ where $$r_{ij}=Y_{ij}-h(X_{ij},Z_{ij};\hat{\beta})$$ if \(\eta\) is the identity link, and $$r_{ij}=Y_{ij}\exp\{-h(X_{ij},Z_{ij};\hat{\beta})\}$$ if \(\eta\) is the log link, and \((X_{ij},Z_{ij})\) is the value of \((X,Z)\) for subject \(j\) in cluster \(i\), \(j=1,...,n_i\), \(i=1,...,n\). The CGEE estimate of \(\beta\) and the estimate of \(a_i\) are used to estimate the mean \(E(Y|i,X=x,Z)\): $$\hat{E}(Y|i,X=x,Z)=\eta^{-1}\{\hat{a}_i+h(X=x,Z;\hat{\beta})\}.$$ For each \(x\) in the x argument, these estimates are averaged across all subjects (i.e. all observed values of \(Z\) and all estimated values of \(a_i\)) to produce estimates $$\hat{\theta}(x)=\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \hat{E}(Y|i,X=x,Z_i)/N,$$ where \(N=\sum_{i=1}^n n_i\). The variance for \(\hat{\theta}(x)\) is obtained by the sandwich formula.


The variance calculation performed by standardize_gee does not condition on the observed covariates \(\bar{Z}=(Z_{11},...,Z_{nn_i})\). To see how this matters, note that $$var\{\hat{\theta}(x)\}=E[var\{\hat{\theta}(x)|\bar{Z}\}]+var[E\{\hat{\theta}(x)|\bar{Z}\}].$$ The usual parameter \(\beta\) in a generalized linear model does not depend on \(\bar{Z}\). Thus, \(E(\hat{\beta}|\bar{Z})\) is independent of \(\bar{Z}\) as well (since \(E(\hat{\beta}|\bar{Z})=\beta\)), so that the term \(var[E\{\hat{\beta}|\bar{Z}\}]\) in the corresponding variance decomposition for \(var(\hat{\beta})\) becomes equal to 0. However, \(\theta(x)\) depends on \(\bar{Z}\) through the average over the sample distribution for \(Z\), and thus the term \(var[E\{\hat{\theta}(x)|\bar{Z}\}]\) is not 0, unless one conditions on \(\bar{Z}\).


Goetgeluk S. and Vansteelandt S. (2008). Conditional generalized estimating equations for the analysis of clustered and longitudinal data. Biometrics 64(3), 772-780.

Martin R.S. (2017). Estimation of average marginal effects in multiplicative unobserved effects panel models. Economics Letters 160, 16-19.

Sjölander A. (2019). Estimation of marginal causal effects in the presence of confounding by cluster. Biostatistics doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxz054


Arvid Sjölander.


#> Loading required package: drgee

n <- 300
ni <- 2
id <- rep(1:n, each = ni)
ai <- rep(rnorm(n), each = ni)
Z <- rnorm(n * ni)
X <- rnorm(n * ni, mean = ai + Z)
Y <- rnorm(n * ni, mean = ai + X + Z + 0.1 * X^2)
dd <- data.frame(id, Z, X, Y)
fit.std <- standardize_gee(
  formula = Y ~ X + Z + I(X^2),
  link = "identity",
  data = dd,
  values = list(X = seq(-3, 3, 0.5)),
  clusterid = "id"
#> Outcome formula: Y ~ X + Z + I(X^2)
#> <environment: 0x61b679e01c20>
#> Outcome family: 
#> Outcome link function: 
#> Exposure:  X 
#> Tables: 
#>       X Estimate Std.Error lower.0.95 upper.0.95
#> 1  -3.0  -2.3117    0.1895     -2.683     -1.940
#> 2  -2.5  -2.0248    0.1531     -2.325     -1.725
#> 3  -2.0  -1.6962    0.1246     -1.940     -1.452
#> 4  -1.5  -1.3258    0.1045     -1.531     -1.121
#> 5  -1.0  -0.9137    0.0930     -1.096     -0.731
#> 6  -0.5  -0.4598    0.0894     -0.635     -0.285
#> 7   0.0   0.0358    0.0920     -0.144      0.216
#> 8   0.5   0.5732    0.0991      0.379      0.767
#> 9   1.0   1.1523    0.1101      0.936      1.368
#> 10  1.5   1.7731    0.1249      1.528      2.018
#> 11  2.0   2.4357    0.1442      2.153      2.718
#> 12  2.5   3.1401    0.1686      2.810      3.471
#> 13  3.0   3.8862    0.1989      3.496      4.276