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Let TjT_j be distributed Multinomialdj(𝛉j,nj)\mbox{Multinomial}_{d_j}(\boldsymbol{\theta}_j, n_j) for j=1,…,kj = 1, \ldots, k and denote 𝐓=(T1,…,Tk)\boldsymbol{T} = (T_1, \ldots, T_k) and 𝛉=(ΞΈ1,…,ΞΈk)\boldsymbol{\theta} = (\theta_1, \ldots, \theta_k). The subscript djd_j denotes the dimension of the multinomial. Suppose one is interested in the parameter ψ(𝛉)βˆˆΞ˜βŠ†β„\psi(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \in \Theta \subseteq \mathbb{R}. Given a sample of size nn from 𝐓\boldsymbol{T}, one can estimate 𝛉\boldsymbol{\theta} with the sample proportions as 𝛉̂\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} and hence ψ(𝛉̂)\psi(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}). It would then be natural to construct a 1βˆ’Ξ±1 - \alpha percent confidence interval for ψ(𝛉)\psi(\boldsymbol{\theta}) and calculate a p value for a test of the null hypothesis H0:ψ(𝛉)β‰€Οˆ0H_0: \psi(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \leq \psi_0.

If the functional ψ\psi is complex, or the variance of ψ(𝛉̂)\psi(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}) is otherwise difficult to calculate, then one may consider using the nonparametric bootstrap for inference (Efron 1979). However, the bootstrap may perform poorly in small samples, e.g., not having the correct coverage or type I error (Bickel and Freedman 1981). Instead we propose a computational approach for computing p values and confidence intervals in this setting.

Here is a simple illustration of the problem. Let ψ(ΞΈ1,ΞΈ2)=βˆ‘(ΞΈ1,ΞΈ2), \psi(\theta_1, \theta_2) = \sum \sqrt(\theta_1, \theta_2), which is similar to the Bhattacharyya coefficient (Bhattacharyya 1946). Suppose we have two samples T1T_1 and T2T_2 each from independent multinomials with dimension 4. The following R code allows us to sample the data and compute ψ\psi.

true_theta <- c(.45, .15, .3, .1, .05, .15, .4, .4)

sample_data <- function(n) {
  T1 <- rmultinom(1, n[1], prob = true_theta[1:4])
  T2 <- rmultinom(1, n[2], prob = true_theta[5:8])
  list(T1 = c(T1), T2 = c(T2))

psi_bc <- function(theta) {
  theta1 <- theta[1:4]
  theta2 <- theta[5:8]
  sum(sqrt(theta1 * theta2))

true_psi_bc <- psi_bc(true_theta)

How bad is the bootstrap in this situation with different sample sizes?

run_one_bs <- function(i, n, psi, true_psi, sample_data) {
  data <- sample_data(n)
  bsamps <- replicate(500, {
    unlist(lapply(data, \(x) {
      #newx <- c(rmultinom(1, sum(x), prob = x / sum(x)))
      newx <- table(factor(sample(, times = x), sum(x), replace = TRUE), 
             levels = 1:length(x)))
      newx / sum(newx)
    })) |> psi()
  cib <- quantile(bsamps, c(.025, .975))
  true_psi >= cib[1] & true_psi <= cib[2]

cand_ns <-, lapply(seq(10, 30, by = 5), \(i) c(i, i)))
emp_coverage <- rep(NA, nrow(cand_ns))

for(i in 1:nrow(cand_ns)) {
  cover_boot <- mclapply(1:1000, run_one_bs, n = cand_ns[i, ], psi = psi_bc, 
                         true_psi = true_psi_bc, sample_data = sample_data, mc.cores = detectCores() - 4)
  emp_coverage[i] <- mean(unlist(cover_boot))

knitr::kable(cbind("n in each group" = cand_ns[,1], "bootstrap 95% interval coverage" = emp_coverage))
n in each group bootstrap 95% interval coverage
10 0.536
15 0.640
20 0.694
25 0.728
30 0.775

That does not look too good. Let us see how our method performs. We are going to define the same psi function but vectorized this time. This improves the speed of xactonomial.

psi_bc_v <- function(theta) {
  theta1 <- theta[,1:4, drop = FALSE]
  theta2 <- theta[,5:8, drop = FALSE]
  rowSums(sqrt(theta1 * theta2))

xmres <- mclapply(1:200, \(i) {
   data <- sample_data(n = c(10, 10))
   results <- xactonomial(psi_bc_v, data, alpha = .05, psi_limits = c(0,1), 
                          maxit = 50, chunksize = 500, psi_is_vectorized = TRUE)
}, mc.cores = detectCores() - 2)

coverage_exact <- sapply(xmres, \(cint) {
  true_psi_bc >= cint[1] & true_psi_bc <= cint[2]

#> [1] 0.995

Much better!

Maximum of parameters

When two of the parameters are equal, the function is nondifferentiable, so bootstrap and other asymptotic methods will fail while our method still works.

psi_causal <- function(pp) {

true_psi_causal <- psi_causal(c(.4, .4, .2))

sample_data2 <- function(n) {
  list(rmultinom(1, n, prob = c(.4, .4, .2))[, 1])
cover_boot <- mclapply(1:200, run_one_bs, n = c(20), psi = psi_causal, 
                         true_psi = true_psi_causal, sample_data = sample_data2, mc.cores = detectCores() - 4)
#> [1] 0.84

xmres <- mclapply(1:200, \(i) {
   data <- sample_data2(n = c(20))
   results <- xactonomial(psi_causal, data, alpha = .05, psi_limits = c(0,1), maxit = 100, chunksize = 100)
}, mc.cores = detectCores() - 2)

coverage_exact <- sapply(xmres, \(cint) {
  true_psi_causal >= cint[1] & true_psi_causal <= cint[2]

#> [1] 0.99


Bhattacharyya, A. 1946. β€œOn a Measure of Divergence Between Two Multinomial Populations.” Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics (1933-1960) 7 (4): 401–6.
Bickel, Peter J, and David A Freedman. 1981. β€œSome Asymptotic Theory for the Bootstrap.” The Annals of Statistics 9 (6): 1196–1217.
Efron, B. 1979. β€œBootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife.” The Annals of Statistics 7 (1): 1–26.