Specify causal graphs using a visual interactive interface and then analyze them and compute symbolic bounds for the causal effects in terms of the observable parameters.


Run the shiny app by results <- specify_graph(). See detailed instructions in the vignette browseVignettes("causaloptim").


Sachs, M. C., Jonzon, G., Sjölander, A., & Gabriel, E. E. 2022, A general method for deriving tight symbolic bounds on causal effects. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, In press. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10618600.2022.2071905 .

See also

browseVignettes('causaloptim') specify_graph


Michael C Sachs, Arvid Sjölander, Gustav Jonzon, Alexander Balke, Colorado Reed, and Erin Gabriel Maintainer: Michael C Sachs <sachsmc at gmail.com>