Given a set of response functions, find all directed paths from from to to
- respvars
A set of response functions as created by create_response_function
- from
A character string indicating the start of the path
- to
A character string indicating the end of the path
b <- initialize_graph(igraph::graph_from_literal(X -+ Z, Z -+ Y, X -+ Y, Ur -+ Z, Ur -+ Y))
medmod <- create_response_function(b)
find_all_paths(medmod, "X", "Y")
#> [1] "X -> Y" "X -> Z -> Y"
igraph::all_simple_paths(b, "X", "Y", mode = "out")
#> [[1]]
#> + 3/4 vertices, named, from 3777143:
#> [1] X Z Y
#> [[2]]
#> + 2/4 vertices, named, from 3777143:
#> [1] X Y