Nested Case Control Sampling Example

Wednesday Morning

  1. Lesson: Getting Started
  2. Lecture: Introduction
  3. Lesson: Functions Part I (.Rmd / .html)


Wednesday Afternoon

  1. Documentation (.Rmd / .html)
  2. Functions Part II (.Rmd / .html)
  3. Version control (Slides)

Thursday Morning

  1. Lesson: Object oriented programming (.Rmd / .html)
  2. Lesson: Functional Programming (.Rmd / .html)
  3. Lecture: R package ecosystem overview (Slides)


Thursday Afternoon

  1. Debugging (.Rmd / .html)
  2. Approaches to software development (Slides)
  3. Testing and CRAN checks (.Rmd / .html)

Friday Morning

  1. Designing a package (Slides)
  2. Working with other packages (Slides)
  3. Publishing and promoting your package (Slides)